Deadfall Trail Movie Review

When two indie filmmakers were raising funds to make a movie and only got about 100k to work with, instead of forcing a high budget idea out in low budget form they instead made an entirely new idea with those funds in mind. This is how Deadfall Trail came to be, a movie that is nothing but woodlands and three guys out on a survival kick. While c

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Decker Shado Skinned Deep (2004)

A homage to classic grindhouse horror cinema from 2004, Skinned Deep doesn't shy away from its inspiration at all in its aesthetic. Presented in a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, with heavy film grain and overdubbed dialogue, you don't even need the story of a middle-of-nowhere family of maniacs to make this one feel unnerving. Oh, but it's about scary

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Which MCU film is best? Thor: Ragnarok vs Thor: Love & Thunder

Which of the Thor movies is more impressive? Movie Feuds is comparing Thor: Ragnarok versus Thor. Love & Thunder. As I discuss the positives as well as the negatives of Taika Waititi’s films, including Thor, you can join me. Do Ragnarok or Love & Thunder have the right balance between action-packed and comedic elements? Despite the fact Love

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